For All utilizes grocery store surplus to create what we call Community Boxes. These boxes contain a variety of hearty whole fruits and vegetables, specialty items such as vegan protein substitutes, and are topped with a variety of grains. Community Boxes are distributed for free in a number of ways including to neighbors on a volunteer’s route, through local Buy Nothing Groups, and as Mobile Food Bank sharings at low income, housing first buildings through our For All Community Events & Services Program.
For All relies on volunteers and community supporters whose values align with our mission to show support through investment in our organization. A monthly financial pledge of support to For All helps to offset your carbon footprint and supports For All’s operational costs including vehicle maintenance, insurance, volunteer management, and facility rental.
For All relies on volunteers and community supporters whose values align with our mission to show support through investment in our organization. A monthly financial pledge of support to For All helps to offset your carbon footprint and supports For All’s operational costs including vehicle maintenance, insurance, volunteer management, and facility rental.
Make A Monthly Pledge Today!